2012-04-06 10:59 |
Autor: Vasile Chelban |
Filed under: FedoraMD
Очередная задержка Beta версии. Уже на 2 недели. Соответственно сдвинулся график и "золотой" версии - она будет в конце мая. Бета версия на этот раз отложена из за ошибок в preupgrade - обновлении системы без использования DVD/CD дисков. 17-го апреля ждем исправления и, полагаю, бету пригодную для использования. Иначе говоря - без тормозов и отладочной информации.
I noticed that they took the RC4 images off of dl.fedoraproject.org. This release departs from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (http://www.pathname.com/fhs/) in a big way.
The problem as I see it is a lack of discussion of these changes on the FHS mailing list. If RH would like to avoid the impression that they are thumbing their nose at the community at large and just doing what they want to do like Microsoft does regardless of standards, then the way to do that is to respect the community rather than making unilateral dictatorial decisions that will affect all downstream distros.
The last set of FMD E17 updates has caused some sort of malfunction with trayer-srg. It’s not visible on the desktop and I cannot configure a new trayer-srg, as of yet. I’m still trying to get a handle on it.
/usr/bin/trayer –transparent true –align right –widthtype request
The apps that it’s supposed to monitor are running, but are invisible; can’t get a mouse on their icons. The icons in the trayer systray are either invisible or completely off the screen.
aprilie 12, 2012 11:10
Обновление – Fedora 17 Beta будет! И выйдет во вторник , 17-го апреля
aprilie 15, 2012 16:16
I noticed that they took the RC4 images off of dl.fedoraproject.org. This release departs from the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (http://www.pathname.com/fhs/) in a big way.
The problem as I see it is a lack of discussion of these changes on the FHS mailing list. If RH would like to avoid the impression that they are thumbing their nose at the community at large and just doing what they want to do like Microsoft does regardless of standards, then the way to do that is to respect the community rather than making unilateral dictatorial decisions that will affect all downstream distros.
aprilie 26, 2012 0:28
The last set of FMD E17 updates has caused some sort of malfunction with trayer-srg. It’s not visible on the desktop and I cannot configure a new trayer-srg, as of yet. I’m still trying to get a handle on it.
Vasile, fyi
aprilie 26, 2012 0:32
It’s running with the following parameters:
/usr/bin/trayer –transparent true –align right –widthtype request
The apps that it’s supposed to monitor are running, but are invisible; can’t get a mouse on their icons. The icons in the trayer systray are either invisible or completely off the screen.
aprilie 26, 2012 22:49
It’s somehow related to composite module – try to enable or disable it. Since EFL 1.2 has just left beta status, wait for new builds this weekend.
aprilie 26, 2012 22:51
Why don’t you try builtin systray module instead of trayer-srg? It work perfectly for me.
mai 23, 2012 14:36
уже 23 мая!
mai 23, 2012 14:42
Перенесли на 29-е 🙂
mai 29, 2012 21:38
так уже 29 мая! 😛
mai 30, 2012 9:31
Уже выпустили 😛