Всё меньше места для кастрюль!

    2012-01-22 00:30 | Автор: jekader | Filed under: FedoraMD

    Спешу и я поделиться радостью!

    В этом году наконец настал звёздный час корпуса, купленного два года назад для сервера fedora.md!
    Проработавший три года верой и правдой Dell PowerEdge 2550 отправлен на покой, а ему на замену в компактном стоечном корпусе от rackable systems собран новый сервачок!
    На фото вверху они оба одновременно стоят в моём балконном серверно-кастрюльном шкафу.

    Новая железка собрана из подножного корма в виде проверенной материнской платы ASUS P4P800-VM, процессора Pentium IV 1.8GHz, гигабайта оперативки и пары SATA винчестеров по 500 гигабайт. Грубо говоря, был переизобретён Tudoraș 🙂

    В чём-то это шаг назад от dell'a:

    • нет wifi
    • один процессор (P-IV 1800) вместо двух (P-III 1000)

    Но плюсы, на мой взгляд, перевешивают:

    • меньше блоков питания, процессоров, вентиляторов -> меньше энергопотребление
    • ёмкие и доступные SATA винчестеры вместо дорогих и редких SCSI

    На сервер был водружён свеженький Debian Wheezy, скопированы данные, настроены основные службы. Dell в холодом резерве, но я верю, что всё будет хорошо.
    Можно засекать ещё три года!

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    1. xxaphir:

      You’re a funny guy, jekader! I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Also looks like some hardware donations would help.

      If it were my setup, I’d only change one thing; I’d be using OpenSuse 12.1 instead, with a custom server image from Suse Studio: http://susestudio.com/

      A review of OpenSuse Studio was on the Linux Action Show:


    2. jekader:

      @xxaphir the main thing is that I’m satisfied with what this server is capable of. Don’t need much processing power to serve my home LAN. Moreover, I just like old hardware 🙂

      Here’s a video of my previous server, it might be entertaining for you:
      (It’s in russian, but has subtitles)

    3. xxaphir:

      Wow, a short video but it was great! To see a small slice of what life is like in your part of the world, that’s a blessing. I’ll have to return the favor. 🙂

      Man, how cold was it in that part of the house??? I thought the thermometers were for the outside temperature. Good grief!!

      I love the language. That was another added bonus. Is there a Moldovian dialect within the russian language? I mean, if you were in the Ukraine could they tell that you weren’t from there by the way you speak, or vice versa?

    4. xxaphir:

      On second look, I see it now; both inside and outside thermometers.

      One word. WOW.

    5. jekader:

      @xxaphir — I never thought someone would be interested in such details 🙂

      Yes, Russian in Moldova differs in minor details, but in Ukraine, as well as in Russia, people will at the most think you’re from a different city, not from a different country. That’s because both Russia and Ukraine are pretty huge countries and subdialects differ from region to region. That refers to oral speech only and the differences are minor (pronunciation of syllables). There’s only one written form of Russian.

      FYI there’s a «full-featured» dialect of Romanian present here in Moldova. Romanians are the ones who can clearly identify you’re from Moldova by how you speak 😉

      PS — I also need to make an update on the video, the one I showed is two years old. Outside temperature is pretty much the same right now. Minus 20 is as cold as it gets here in winter, usually it’s much warmer.

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